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Home > english-chinese > "he flashed the torch on for a second" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "he flashed the torch on for a second"


Related Translations:
flashing torch:  闪光电筒
aerial torch:  空中火炬 一种悬吊在直升飞机下的点火装置
lowpressure torch:  低压吹管
singeing torch:  燎毛喷炉
torch weld:  吹管焊接喷灯焊气焊焊缝
descaling torch:  氧化皮清理炬
injector torch:  低压吹管喷射式焊炬喷射式焊枪射吸式焊炬
ignition torch:  点火炬
torch singer:  女感伤歌手专唱感伤恋歌的女歌手
torch job:  放火火灾
Example Sentences:
1.He flashed the torch on for a second .
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